Sunday, March 28, 2010


The army keeps getting new enhanced weapons. Some weapons are made to protect the soldier who is in the line of duty; however, most weapons do not. The weapons main objective is to kill the other person. The safety of others does not seem to matter. Instead of making a weapon that neutralizes targets, there are more and more weapons being produced to kill the targets.
Civilization has come far in the advancements of technology and weapons, but all this is doing is killing more people. There is no invention for peace, and the inventions that keep coming out to instill peace are not really saving anyone. The world plays with guns as if they were children's toys. Quick to pick them up and fire, and the other side is quick to fire back at them. The side that wins is the one who has the most advanced weapons. Weapons that are around to kill people. Not to defend.
Engineers do not stop making ideas for new and "better" weapons because it is a money making franchise; however, their hands are just as bloody as the ones who click the trigger on the gun. The soldiers are being handed the weapons to do their duty, but the engineers should feel guilty about creating such a harmful weapon in the first place.
No weapon is bringing about peace. Perhaps, for the individual side it will, but in the long term aspect, the weapons will not help. If anything the defeat of the opposing side will have bad blood, even if there is a peace agreement.
Todays inventions are not helping us. In fact, it is making everyone more distant from family, friends, and causes a lot more drama. Especially, if weapons are in the picture. When it comes to weapons it is best for everyone to stay ignorant on how they work, or are used. If we keep looking into it, more deadly weapons will be manufactured to assist in destroying each other.

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