Sunday, March 28, 2010


Pencils. They are the key ingredient to any new idea or invention. Drawings, rough sketches of paintings, poetry, stories, they all start with just a simple pencil. From a young age children are brought up all over the world to use pencils to write down their thoughts. Although, some prefer using pens, mistakes cannot be erased as easily, and part of being human is making mistakes. With a pen the only way to erase is with white out, and that ruins the effect of the paper.
Every idea starts best on paper, so what should someone grab? A pencil of course because it is the cheapest most abundant writing utensil. Not one person, in the U.S., can go a life time without using a pencil because we use them for testing, blue prints, writing, drawing, sketching, shading. The list for pencil uses are almost never ending.
A pencil can help you express yourself. Through line you can read emotions, and pencils can make those lines. Line drawing is a healthy way to express your creativity and emotions in one easy process, and just like any drawing. It begins with a pencil.
Typing online journals is cool, but it makes it a lot less personal. When you write your journals in pencil you are using your own creative writing style that only you posses. This way, if you look back on any past documents. The feeling come out in the writing. Since it is personal everyone knows exactly how they were feeling at the time. Whether it is scribbled and rushed, or written to the best of ability the pencil is their to record any and all thoughts, good or bad.

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