Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Perfect Human Being

I am a perfect human being. I have no special attributes, no special personality, no unique characteristics. I am a perfect human because I am not perfect. I am not expertly gifted, like most people. I am good at some arts and some sports. I am good at somethings, but bad at others. Sometimes when I get really angry or frustrated I take it out on other people, but later I feel badly and guilt ridden, sometimes, slightly ashamed. Usually, I lack the courage to apologize; however, some times I muster up the sorry, or I just do something really nice to make up for my mistakes. I have features of myself that I do not like or want anything to do with.
I fall in love, and sometimes I regret it. I get heartbroken when I get cheated on. I get crushed when I am left. I get that uneasy feeling in my stomach when I find out my "bestfriend" lied to me, or even lets me down. I forgive them even though they will probably do it again. I cry when I get hurt, whether it be mentally or physically. I pretend I do not care when people make fun of or judge my appearance, even though it eats me up inside.
I sometimes hurt people without realizing. I sometimes am a little greedy and insidious, even with the people I love. I expect more then I should from people. I envy those who have more then me. I have secret crushes on people I would never let know because I am afraid of being hurt. I want everyone to love me, even though it is an impossible dream. I tend to dream big, and act on them in small ways. I could try a lot harder.
I sometimes go back on my own morals. I try harder then I should for people, but people do not try hard for me. I say things and never follow up on them, unless it is a pinky-promise. I have sides of myself I would never show the world. I get embarrassed by some of my hobbies.
I act these ways because I am a perfect human being. A human being with different feelings and emotions. The perfect human being has their flaws and rough edges, just like me, and just like you. The only humans that are imperfect are the ones that have no problems, rough times, challenges, or any issues at all. Having my imperfections are what makes me, the perfect human being.

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