Friday, March 26, 2010

A Blank Sheet

The blank sheet of paper is filled with endless amounts of space. Space that your ideas and imaginations take up; whether, it be poetry, drawing, or stories the blank sheet of paper is there. Depending on the size of the paper your ideas are limited by your imagination. However, in order to be an artist you must draw outside the lines. The blank sheet of paper is not where your journey ends; it is where it starts.

The mind envisions master pieces on the blank sheet. It is there where society has deemed it appropriate to draw, write, and create. The ideas and images start here, but should end anywhere. The imagination is limitless and seen as profound, sometimes. However, the greatest creators went beyond the lines of the paper to become as famous as they are seen today.

Take Keith Haring for instance. Haring was a beautiful creator of sorts, and he realized that his works belonged on places greater then a simple sheet of paper. Keith Haring began drawing with chalk upon the subways of New York. Society saw his master pieces as vandalism and trash, but if you look at his art work. It preached peace and love. If someone is preaching freedom, peace, and universal happiness, than why was Keith Haring thrown in jail? Because his artwork past the boundaries of the paper. Society could not contain Keith Haring’s art, so they tried to lock it away.

Life is not limited by the boundaries the world sets up for us. If you want to dream then dream big. Everyone has their own unique imagination, and it is imperative that we express that. If society closes off our dreams; than, how will we be able to create new and better things?

The paper is where your ideas start, but as your dreams grow into reality you will have to leave the safety of the paper. When and if this is accomplished society will be judgmental. People ridicule and chop down things that are different to them, so any new idea or dream will have its negative commentary.

Ideas should begin, but should not be limited to, a blank sheet of paper. Great artists like Keith Haring went outside the edges of the paper, and became popular and famous despite societies views on him. Life should be lived with the boundaries of the world; in fact, it should be lived without them. Do not listen to societies views on dreams. Believing is seeing.

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