Sunday, March 28, 2010


Pencils. They are the key ingredient to any new idea or invention. Drawings, rough sketches of paintings, poetry, stories, they all start with just a simple pencil. From a young age children are brought up all over the world to use pencils to write down their thoughts. Although, some prefer using pens, mistakes cannot be erased as easily, and part of being human is making mistakes. With a pen the only way to erase is with white out, and that ruins the effect of the paper.
Every idea starts best on paper, so what should someone grab? A pencil of course because it is the cheapest most abundant writing utensil. Not one person, in the U.S., can go a life time without using a pencil because we use them for testing, blue prints, writing, drawing, sketching, shading. The list for pencil uses are almost never ending.
A pencil can help you express yourself. Through line you can read emotions, and pencils can make those lines. Line drawing is a healthy way to express your creativity and emotions in one easy process, and just like any drawing. It begins with a pencil.
Typing online journals is cool, but it makes it a lot less personal. When you write your journals in pencil you are using your own creative writing style that only you posses. This way, if you look back on any past documents. The feeling come out in the writing. Since it is personal everyone knows exactly how they were feeling at the time. Whether it is scribbled and rushed, or written to the best of ability the pencil is their to record any and all thoughts, good or bad.


The army keeps getting new enhanced weapons. Some weapons are made to protect the soldier who is in the line of duty; however, most weapons do not. The weapons main objective is to kill the other person. The safety of others does not seem to matter. Instead of making a weapon that neutralizes targets, there are more and more weapons being produced to kill the targets.
Civilization has come far in the advancements of technology and weapons, but all this is doing is killing more people. There is no invention for peace, and the inventions that keep coming out to instill peace are not really saving anyone. The world plays with guns as if they were children's toys. Quick to pick them up and fire, and the other side is quick to fire back at them. The side that wins is the one who has the most advanced weapons. Weapons that are around to kill people. Not to defend.
Engineers do not stop making ideas for new and "better" weapons because it is a money making franchise; however, their hands are just as bloody as the ones who click the trigger on the gun. The soldiers are being handed the weapons to do their duty, but the engineers should feel guilty about creating such a harmful weapon in the first place.
No weapon is bringing about peace. Perhaps, for the individual side it will, but in the long term aspect, the weapons will not help. If anything the defeat of the opposing side will have bad blood, even if there is a peace agreement.
Todays inventions are not helping us. In fact, it is making everyone more distant from family, friends, and causes a lot more drama. Especially, if weapons are in the picture. When it comes to weapons it is best for everyone to stay ignorant on how they work, or are used. If we keep looking into it, more deadly weapons will be manufactured to assist in destroying each other.

The "Beautiful" Black Widow

I am a spider. Not just any spider, but a wicked and evil one. Like most spiders I pray on the innocent and unexpected victims, as I manipulate them into my web of torture. Although, my web is beautiful and inviting, just like me, my web is hard to get out of. Once you are in my webs grasp I toy with you first, and mess with your head. As you wait ever patiently for me to feast upon your juicy carcass.
I led you into this, with high expectations for you to be my mate, but instead, I will feast on your heart. I will try and suck out all that is left of your emotions and feelings towards me. You expected so much from me. While your heart was focused on mine, my fangs were focused on yours. How else could I look at you? My only intentions for you was to be on my menu. Nothing more nothing less.
You are my next love. With your help we will create a big family. We will become one with each other. After we share my web together you will be in my heart for ever. Almost as much as you will be in my stomach. For once I finished taking what I need from you. I will eat you like the rest. Fooled you like the rest. I made you think that you were my one and only, just to mess with your head. I was bored, what else was there to do?
Now my kids are to be raised by me and me alone. I will teach them how to be a Black Widow. I will educate them on, how to play head games with others. They will learn how to build trust with other spiders. Only to break their hearts and feed off their blood, as well as their emotions. They will learn how: to drive other spiders insane, to treat every spider like they have a chance, and to send mixed singles on the way they really feel.
I can get away with all of this because I am beautiful and mysterious. My heart may a black hole, but since I make the other spiders think I am the nicest spider alive, no one bothers me. I do not have to try for myself. Other spiders are gullible enough to get it for me. I am the beautiful Black Widow spider.

The Perfect Human Being

I am a perfect human being. I have no special attributes, no special personality, no unique characteristics. I am a perfect human because I am not perfect. I am not expertly gifted, like most people. I am good at some arts and some sports. I am good at somethings, but bad at others. Sometimes when I get really angry or frustrated I take it out on other people, but later I feel badly and guilt ridden, sometimes, slightly ashamed. Usually, I lack the courage to apologize; however, some times I muster up the sorry, or I just do something really nice to make up for my mistakes. I have features of myself that I do not like or want anything to do with.
I fall in love, and sometimes I regret it. I get heartbroken when I get cheated on. I get crushed when I am left. I get that uneasy feeling in my stomach when I find out my "bestfriend" lied to me, or even lets me down. I forgive them even though they will probably do it again. I cry when I get hurt, whether it be mentally or physically. I pretend I do not care when people make fun of or judge my appearance, even though it eats me up inside.
I sometimes hurt people without realizing. I sometimes am a little greedy and insidious, even with the people I love. I expect more then I should from people. I envy those who have more then me. I have secret crushes on people I would never let know because I am afraid of being hurt. I want everyone to love me, even though it is an impossible dream. I tend to dream big, and act on them in small ways. I could try a lot harder.
I sometimes go back on my own morals. I try harder then I should for people, but people do not try hard for me. I say things and never follow up on them, unless it is a pinky-promise. I have sides of myself I would never show the world. I get embarrassed by some of my hobbies.
I act these ways because I am a perfect human being. A human being with different feelings and emotions. The perfect human being has their flaws and rough edges, just like me, and just like you. The only humans that are imperfect are the ones that have no problems, rough times, challenges, or any issues at all. Having my imperfections are what makes me, the perfect human being.

Caterpillar Outlook

Crawling and inching on the leaves of plants, the caterpillar makes his day to day life this way. Not knowing what is above him, nor does he know of the flowers that rest above his head. The caterpillar inches ignorantly by making each day count before his evolution. Day by day the caterpillar eats the leaves for nutrients it will have to store, for his journey is long and takes patients. The caterpillar proceeds with nothing but cautiousness- there is always the possibility that the caterpillar could be eaten by a larger predator or picked up by a curious young child. Fascinated, by the caterpillar's many legs and worm like movements.
To think, just a few days ago, the mysterious caterpillar was nothing more then a tiny larva, and before that an egg. Even more clueless than it was now. Knowing nothing more then where it had been hatched. It is there that the caterpillar learns to crawl with his legs, learns what hunger is, and realizes what he must do to fly amongst the butterfly.
Eagerly, the caterpillar looks for an area fit for his metamorphosis to begin. He crawls into a safe zone, and with haste starts getting the cocoon ready. Though fast, the caterpillar takes his time on the detail of the cocoon. This is where the caterpillar will meditate and patiently transform.
There is a lot of time to think in the caterpillar's cocoon. He sits and waits while recapping on his adventures from egg to larva and then to caterpillar. This is where the caterpillar begins seeing the world differently; even though, the caterpillar can see nothing at all. As the caterpillar slowly becomes less ignorant to the world he has seen. His evolution begins to come to an end. The lime green skin turns brown, a sucker forms instead of teeth, and beautiful multi-colored wings begin to spread out.
Through darkness, the caterpillar has evolved into a butterfly. Slowly, the butterfly emerges with new found attributes and abilities. Opening a whole new world to the once caterpillar, the butterfly can now see things from above. The butterfly can look down and see all of his rigorous challenges he had to overcome to become the butterfly he is today. He can see: the new eggs, the clueless larva, the ignorant hard working caterpillars, and the safe-zoned cocoons, that are slowly enlightening the uneducated caterpillars.
As the butterfly's quests come to an end- Every butterfly has a week life span- the butterfly finds a mate and settles down. The butterfly has come to terms with his death and passes on his gene into his spouse's eggs. Soon the eggs will hatch and the larva will enter a new world of their own. Which, of course, leads into new journeys and quests for each and every one of them. All with the similar goal. Happiness.

Friday, March 26, 2010

A Blank Sheet

The blank sheet of paper is filled with endless amounts of space. Space that your ideas and imaginations take up; whether, it be poetry, drawing, or stories the blank sheet of paper is there. Depending on the size of the paper your ideas are limited by your imagination. However, in order to be an artist you must draw outside the lines. The blank sheet of paper is not where your journey ends; it is where it starts.

The mind envisions master pieces on the blank sheet. It is there where society has deemed it appropriate to draw, write, and create. The ideas and images start here, but should end anywhere. The imagination is limitless and seen as profound, sometimes. However, the greatest creators went beyond the lines of the paper to become as famous as they are seen today.

Take Keith Haring for instance. Haring was a beautiful creator of sorts, and he realized that his works belonged on places greater then a simple sheet of paper. Keith Haring began drawing with chalk upon the subways of New York. Society saw his master pieces as vandalism and trash, but if you look at his art work. It preached peace and love. If someone is preaching freedom, peace, and universal happiness, than why was Keith Haring thrown in jail? Because his artwork past the boundaries of the paper. Society could not contain Keith Haring’s art, so they tried to lock it away.

Life is not limited by the boundaries the world sets up for us. If you want to dream then dream big. Everyone has their own unique imagination, and it is imperative that we express that. If society closes off our dreams; than, how will we be able to create new and better things?

The paper is where your ideas start, but as your dreams grow into reality you will have to leave the safety of the paper. When and if this is accomplished society will be judgmental. People ridicule and chop down things that are different to them, so any new idea or dream will have its negative commentary.

Ideas should begin, but should not be limited to, a blank sheet of paper. Great artists like Keith Haring went outside the edges of the paper, and became popular and famous despite societies views on him. Life should be lived with the boundaries of the world; in fact, it should be lived without them. Do not listen to societies views on dreams. Believing is seeing.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


To be an Apple

Fallen aimlessly from the tree above,

The apple waits patiently,

Living its life the way every other apple should live,


While an apple is just an apple,

It could be numerous things,

Apple Juice, a nutritious meal,

An apple is never unhappy with the way life turns out,

The apple sits there,

Proud to be an apple,

Never ashamed,

To be an apple.

All apples have their bruises,

But all apples have their vitamins,

Some sweet,

Others sour,

Apples are still apples,

It’s your job to pick out the good from the bad.

But what is a bad apple?

An inviting home for a clever worm,

Using the apple’s walls for shelter,

Even the bad apples have good in them.

No matter what happens to the apple,

The apple is never ashamed,

To be an apple.